Electric Scooter Accident Lawyer

Electric scooter accident lawyer in San Jose, CA

Electric scooters have invaded downtown San Jose thanks to the entrepreneurship of startup companies Lime and Bird. These scooters allow people to unlock them with an app and then ride them to their destinations. The scooters let people get to where they need to go without harming the environment. However, they may also be involved in accidents with pedestrians and other vehicles. If you are injured in an accident with an electric scooter, it is important for you to consult with one of our experienced electric scooter accident lawyers. Our attorneys may use a combination of their legal knowledge and skill to work to recover compensation for the losses that you have suffered.

Common injuries in electric scooter accidents

Scooter riders are largely unprotected from the environment around them. When they are hit by cars, they may absorb the physical forces with their bodies. Scooter riders may also be injured when they fall from scooters, and pedestrians may be injured when they are struck by them. Common injuries that may occur in scooter accidents include the following injuries:

  • Facial injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Fractured wrists and arms
  • Collarbone fractures
  • Sprains and strains
  • Lacerations
  • Contusions

When other parties are liable

Electric scooter riders may be liable in accidents when they disobey the traffic laws and ride on sidewalks. In addition to the riders, other parties may also be at fault in some scooter accidents. Some potentially liable parties include motor vehicle drivers, parts manufacturers, entities that are responsible for maintaining the roads, the city, and those who are responsible for the maintenance and repair of the scooters. In the case of Lime and Bird, it is possible that the companies may be liable in the event of a serious scooter accident.

Medical bills following electric scooter accidents

Scooter accidents may result in serious injuries that may result in large medical bills. People may have medical bills from the treatment that they receive in the emergency departments and in their admissions to the hospital. They may have to go through physical therapy and rehabilitation or have surgeries performed. People who suffer severe head injuries in scooter accidents may be permanently disabled and require ongoing care 24 hours per day for indefinite periods of time. The medical treatment and care needs that people who are injured in scooter accidents might have may result in staggering medical costs.

Why you should talk to an attorney

The widespread use of scooters in San Jose is a relatively new phenomenon and may involve novel questions of liability. Getting help from an experienced personal injury lawyer who knows the laws of the state and the city’s ordinances is important. A lawyer may be able to use his or her legal knowledge to help to prove the liability of all of the parties who contributed to the accident and resulting injuries. This may make it likelier that you will prevail in your claim.

When you should contact a San Jose electric scooter accident lawyer

You should contact an experienced lawyer in San Jose if you have been injured in an accident that was the fault of another party or entity. There is a two-year statute of limitations in California for personal injury claims. This means that you must file your claim within two years of your accident. The best approach is to get help as soon after your accident as you can. Evidence and witnesses can be lost as time passes, so getting help early is important.

Scooter accidents have the potential to permanently alter your life. If you have been injured in an accident while you were riding a scooter, or if you were struck by a scooter rider while you were walking, you should schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced personal injury lawyers. Call our office today to schedule your appointment.

Other Accidents We Specialize in:

Slip and Fall | Dog Bite  | E-cig/Vape Explosion | Bicycle Accident  | Wildfire Liability | Product Liability | Construction Accident | Electric Scooter Accident | Train Accidents

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