If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, it might be a good idea to hire a car accident lawyer Palo Alto. Experienced personal injury attorneys might help you to recover compensation for the losses that you have suffered and handle the large amounts of paperwork and hassle that may be involved with your insurance claim.
Understanding when to hire an attorney after a car accident that was caused by someone else can help you to recover fair compensation for your losses. If you try to handle an injury claim on your own, you are less likely to recover the monetary amount to which you should be entitled.
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When you might need to hire a car accident lawyer Palo Alto
Motor vehicle accidents happen every day in California and account for a majority of the personal injury cases that are filed in the U.S. each year. Many collisions result in minor damage to the vehicles and can be resolved directly with the insurance company without an attorney. However, when a car accident results in serious injuries or fatalities, it may be a good idea to get help from an experienced car accident lawyer.
In these types of claims, the monetary amounts may be substantial, and the insurance company may litigate against the claim aggressively to try to avoid paying the victims or to minimize the amount that it ultimately might have to pay.
When you work with an experienced injury lawyer, he or she will properly value your claim so that you will have an idea of what it might be worth. This can help you to evaluate any settlement offer that the insurance company might send to you and to recognize when it is too low.
Why insurance companies try to settle claims quickly
After a car accident, the at-fault driver's insurance company may contact you quickly. This is especially true if their insured is clearly responsible for the accident.
Their goal? To push for a fast settlement.
However, be cautious. These early offers are often far too low. They may fail to cover the full financial costs of your injuries, such as medical bills and lost wages. They may also undervalue the non-financial impacts, like pain, suffering, and emotional distress.
Accepting such an offer can have serious consequences. You may find yourself with unexpected expenses down the road, and you won't have the option to ask for more money later.
Before agreeing to any settlement, it's crucial to speak with a knowledgeable car accident lawyer. They can help you understand the true value of your claim and ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries.
When should you talk to a car accident attorney?
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In California, people who have been injured in accidents have two years from the date of their accidents and injuries to file formal lawsuits. If you wait beyond this time to file a lawsuit, it will be time-barred. This means that a judge will dismiss it, and you will not be able to recover damages for your losses.
While you have two years, you should retain a lawyer as soon as possible after your accident instead of waiting. An attorney can help you to avoid making potentially costly mistakes and can investigate your accident to build the strongest case possible for you.
What to do after a car accident
Immediately after an injury accident, you should call 911 and remain at the scene for the police to arrive. Check yourself and others for injuries, and provide first aid until help arrives. If you can, take pictures of the damage to both vehicles and pictures of your injuries.
You should also photograph the accident scene, including nearby traffic signs, the weather, and other important details. Exchange your information with the other driver. If you can, take pictures of his or her driver’s license, registration information, and insurance card. Write down the make, model, and license plate number of the other vehicle.
If anyone witnessed your accident, ask them to stay to talk to the police. Write down their names, addresses, and phone numbers so that they can be contacted later. Make sure to go to the doctor to be medically evaluated and follow your doctor’s treatment recommendations.
Finally, contact an experienced injury attorney to schedule a consultation. On the date of your appointment, bring photographs, witness information, accident reports, medical records, income loss details, and a written statement of everything that you remember about your accident. Your lawyer will need this information when he or she values your case.
Contact an experienced Palo Alto car accident lawyer today
If you have been injured in a car accident because of someone else’s negligence, you should talk to an experienced injury lawyer as soon as possible. The San Jose Personal Injury Attorneys offer free case evaluations. To learn about your potential rights to recover compensation, call us today to schedule an evaluation of your claim by calling (408) 217-1778
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