Car accidents can happen suddenly and with little warning. People who are involved in car accidents might not understand how to react during the immediate aftermath of an accident. People who are injured in motor vehicle accidents that resulted because of the negligent actions of other drivers might want to talk to a car accident lawyer Milpitas, California to learn about their rights and legal options. The San Jose Personal Injury Attorneys represent accident victims in Milpitas to help them to recover compensation for their losses.
Call our experienced car accident lawyers are ready to fight for the compensation you deserve. We have won millions for car accident victims. Call us 24/7 for a free consultation: (408) 217-1778

How Are Accident Caused?
The majority of car accidents are preventable. Drivers may cause accidents when they fail to obey traffic laws or to drive with an appropriate level of care and caution. Some examples of driver behaviors that can cause preventable car accidents in Milpitas include the following:
- Speeding
- Running red lights or stop signs
- Sudden lane changes
- Following too close
- Distracted driving
- Inattentive driving
- Impaired driving
- Aggressive driving
- Turning onto a highway without checking for oncoming traffic
- Drowsy driving
Drivers can reduce the chance that they will be involved in car accidents by obeying the traffic laws at all times and keeping their attention focused on the roads. Even if you drive carefully, however, you may not be able to avoid an accident caused by someone else who is engaging in reckless or negligent driving behaviors.
What To Do After A Car Accident
When you are involved in an accident, you may experience a surge of adrenaline and feel confused about what to do. It might be helpful to keep a checklist for what to do after an accident in your glove box for easy reference. The first thing that you should remember is that you are required to remain at the accident scene after your accident until help arrives. If you leave the scene of an accident, you may face criminal penalties even if you were not at fault.
After your accident, check everyone for injuries and call 911. If someone is injured, help them until the emergency responders arrive. Take pictures of your vehicle and the other involved car, including the damage to both. Take photographs or digital video of the entire accident scene, making sure to include details such as the weather, tire marks on the road, nearby speed limit signs or traffic control devices, and other relevant details. Write down the names and contact information of any witnesses, and exchange information with the other driver. After the police arrive, tell them what happened without accepting blame. Make sure to seek medical care after an accident immediately. This can help you to recover faster and can show a link between the accident and your injuries. Finally, contact a car accident lawyer in Milpitas as soon as possible after you have received medical treatment, and let your attorney handle your claim for you.
How Insurance Companies Handle A Car Accident Claim
Insurance companies are for-profit businesses. It is in their best interest to pay as little as possible in accident claims. Once the other driver’s insurance company is notified about your injuries, you should expect to be contacted by a representative. Remember that the person who contacts you works for the other driver’s insurance company and has the company’s interests in mind instead of yours.
An insurance adjuster might ask you if you will agree to give a recorded statement about what happened. Do not agree to do this. If you do, the company will simply try to take some of your statements to use against you in your claim. You should also not agree to sign a medical authorization for the insurance company or accept an early settlement offer. Medical authorizations are used to try to find a different event in your life to blame for your injuries. Early settlement offers are frequently low-ball offers that companies offer in the hope of reducing the amounts that they might be forced to pay. An attorney can review any settlement offer that you might have received and properly value your claim. This can give you a better idea of the range within which a reasonable settlement should be expected to fall.
Get Help From A Car Accident Lawyer In Milpitas
Getting help from an experienced car accident lawyer in Milpitas as soon as possible after your accident can help you to avoid making critical errors when dealing with the insurance company. A lawyer can work with experts and investigators to gather evidence proving the liability of the at-fault driver. When you work with a lawyer, he or she can handle the insurance company for you while you concentrate on recovering from your injuries. Contact the San Jose Personal Injury Attorneys to learn about your options by calling us at (408) 217-1778